Is a platforms of Graduate Engineers, Qualified Staffs & Supervisors, Skilled Technicians & Workers and a
few like minded associate Organisation. From 1981, it is working in the field of Testing, Manufacturing
& Consultancy in Metallurgical Engineering and its allied field.
is to strengthen process for achieving self-reliance of Indian Industries by developing & manufacturing of
Import Substitute items and providing specialised engineering Services to industries for achieving longer
life with continuous reliable performance of their major equipment and quality (comparable to
International Standard) of their products.
is to meet new challenges and opportunities after globalisation of Indian economy, where Indian
Industries are an integral part of vast global market. It aspires to be amongst the leaders in its field of
activity, contributing to the objectives of assisting Indian Industries in keeping their independent
existence and growth in the internal as well as in the external market.
is to be recognised as an example for upholding the banner of ‘Self Reliance’ in Indian
Industries and ranked among the top ten within our country in its chosen areas of activities. |
Customer friendly organisation, sincere And innovative. |
Provide competitive & reliable deliveries of Services and Products. |
Network with Industries, R & D and academic organisation and competent individuals to strengthen activities. |
Ensure continuous process of learning of their employees by providing opportunities to understand advance developments, adopt new skills and enhance intellectual abilities. |
Build sense of belongings & teamwork among employees by providing a fair and rational distribution system. |
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